College admission coach

April 2022
Final Results
First Month Ad Spend: $5,142.42
Cost Per Call: $230
Revenue Generated: $34,677.67

Brand Story

Jack Delehey is the best in the game at getting high school kids into the college of their dreams. His client satisfaction rate is outstanding because he sincerely loves what he does, and he's fantastic at it. He was running his funnel and ads well by himself - but he wanted to concentrate on what he does best. Getting kids into the college of their dreams. So now we fill his calendar, and he makes dreams come true.


When Jack first came to us, he just wanted to get his cost per call at a consistent $350.

How We Did

After only 3 months of working with Jack, we were able to get the cost per lead below $10. But most importantly, we got his cost per call under $350. Way under. Right now we are bringing him calls consistently at $250 and below.


The main problems we encountered when we first took on this account were:
1. A low conversion rate on the landing page - less than 10%. Usually when the lead magnet is free material, we expect a conversion rate above 20%.
2. A big gap between the leads that optin for the free material and schedules/surveys booked (8.9% on average)


The first thing we did was research to understand our persona's main pain points, desires, fears, etc. After that, we went to the battlefield.

1) Testing new ads.
First we choose 3-5 different angles to approach based on the pains we detected after our research.
Then, we use simple images and strong headlines for each angle and run the ads for a few days. The ones with the best cost per lead and highest CTR are the ads we chose to scale with. During this period of testing, we reduced the cost per lead from $25 to less than $15.

2) After we found the winning angle, we created video creatives using the winner.

3) We made improvements to the landing page
  • We updated his landing page to be vastly stronger. We updated the headline and A/B tested against the old one to find the winner. The new one crushed.
  • We improved the color of the CTA (call to action) button. A CTA should always have a different and contrasting color from the rest of the page.
  • We improved the color of the CTA (call to action) button. A CTA should always have a different and contrasting color from the rest of the page.
  • We introduced Jack as the expert with social proof + his credentials + method.
  • We added a compelling image so our main persona (the mother of the child wanting to get into the school of their dreams) could see herself in this important moment.

Now, our funnel is producing consistent results month to month, and Jack is doing what he loves - getting kids into the school of their dreams.

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